Thursday 27 September 2012

Life With You

Life with you, was a dream come true,
I had everything happiness, satisfaction and love, boundless they grew.

You treated me so, that I felt like a queen.

I was fat and ugly but you made me believe that I was beautiful and lean.

You were my savior, my knight , so out of reach,
Your being mine was breaching all the rules they would always teach.
Perfect would be imperfect to describe you,
You were much more than that, an angel who had tamed the shrew.
You symbolized goodness, with not one bad habit to name,
You would treat everyone equally the lame or the dame.
But suddenly, my dream was shattered like a new born killed mercilessly,
I followed you around, pleaded you, begged you, relentlessly.
I beseeched you to tell me what went wrong,
Why was my heaven taken away from me, we had known each other for so long!
Were you the same person who had praised my “ethereal” beauty?
Then why are you treating me like an insect, so ugly and sooty?
Where is the unending love for me, you had confessed?
Love joins two people for all their lives, it was you who had professed.
I saw you with another girl and concluded you wanted to provoke jealousy,
She was beautiful, lean and everything I ever wanted to be, but I behaved that I was all that too, for all who would want to see.
But I was so foolishly wrong, I wanted to drown in the ocean of my pain,
I wanted electrifying lightening to strike me when I stood in the rain.
Truth hit me on my face like a mean punch from a mighty fist,
You didn’t care for me at all; I was just a name on your achievement list.
All the assurances, flowers, gifts and your kind nature were a part of your game,
And I was as dumb as a goose, so easy to fool. Oh! I feel such shame!
I want to cry so loud, till my throat becomes numb,
I want the tears to come, to flow and to cleanse this embarrassment, this shame that have made me succumb.
My soul has been used, crumpled and kicked by you pitilessly,
I have no energy to smile, to live or to talk spontaneously.
Yet, after all this I still can’t think of harming you,
I am a fool to be still in love, unable to let go of my hearts view.
I cannot forget you. You have become an unwanted habit,
For you to just look at me once with love again, I would cut my body out bit by bit.
I cannot look at this world, without you as my guide,
Deep down my heart has already stopped beating for it was still with you and your love for me has died.
Of what use is living without you, it is bland and dry,
So, I have decided to end it, my only wish is to know if you will cry.
I end my life now for I see no hope that you would love me again,
It was my fault all along , I had only seen the rainbows and ignored the rain.
I wish you happiness, for your harm I cannot bear,
I hope you’ll love your dream girl and learn to care.
With this note I bid adieu to all,

Please bury me with his gift, I admire the most, the beautiful white shawl.