Thursday 27 September 2012

Memoirs Of God

I've been alive since time wasn't even counted,
when space was nothing and the formation of universe hadn't even started.
I've seen the desolate planets bloom with life and their beauty,
I've felt deep sorrow they came to an end, I had to perform my duty.
I've marveled in the magnificence of my creation,
I have designed the course of events in evolution.
I do not reside in the skies very far above,
I reside in everything, in the ugliest crow and in the whitest dove.
I'm the conscience that pricks you when you are wrong,
I'm the force that can pour peace into your mind like a sweet tuned song!
I, my dear, reside in your soul,
I have complete control over you, on your greatest achievement & your smallest mole.
The journey of your life is designed so you realise you are me,
I am omniscient and omnipresent, I am every thing you see!
I want you to do a good deed not for its reward,
I want you to do so because you realize that you are helping another form of me,that would be my greatest award !
People expect me to perform unbelievable miracles,
to give them free pleasures and remove all their obstacles.
A miracle out of me, is to request the sun to burn a twig!
I'm a huge treasure treasure land, you find new gems the harder you dig!
I want you to wish for the courage to overcome the obstacles, not erase them all,
I want you to trust and love me even when you are having a ghastly fall.
I want you to believe in yourself and realize your abilities,
not praying for all the comforts and facilities!
I want you to see the beauty in the scorching heat of the sun, in the turbulence of the deadliest storm,
I want you to see me in every life form.
I want you to understand why there is sorrow,
you have to come out of it, my strength I'll let you borrow.
There's a lesson and meaning in everything around you,
a lesson to learn from the perseverance of an ant
a lesson in the endlessly growing plant.
I've given you life in your mother's womb,
I'll take it away ,before you rest peacefully in your tomb.
Death, my dearest, is inevitable, so think of the life you have yet to live,
think of all the happiness to others, that you have yet to give.
I adore you, oh little one! Much more that your own mother,
whether you love me or hate me, about that I do not bother!
I've keep track for your every movement even your first howling cry,
I remember your first thought , your first word and your first lie!
You can treat me like your brother, mother, father or your best friend,
be it in any form, courage and peace of mind I'll always lend.
Remember I'll always be there in you,beside you , around you,
If you are sad just think of me , the bundles of difficulties will become very few.
One day you'll realize I am You and experience bliss!
And here I wait for that eventful day, for that moment , I would not want to miss!!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful and amazing :) :) Such amazingness from the heart :) So vivid :D
