Thursday 18 October 2012

Rain-The movie

The Proud sun has been covered by the grey clouds again,
This is a sure indication, a certain event preceding the heavenly rain.
The clouds have started to become heavy,
The birds are going back to their safe shelters in a bevy.
The winds howl and rejoice with a fierce deadly velocity,
The plants sway to the wind awaiting the rain with an intense hungry voracity.
Those that are sturdy against the wind remain,
others unable to bear the ferocity are slain.
The excitement reaches a feverish peak,
The clouds start exhibiting the power with bolts of lightening, language of thunder they speak!
The weakest cloud of them all, lets go of the courage first,
That is when it drizzles lightly, soothing the dry earth's thirst.
The land unaware of the doom ahead thinks of it as a gift and releases a sweet smell,
it always remains in our memories as a beautiful experience in which we revel.
Slowly the rain gains a little confidence and power,
The leaves, covered with a layer of dust , get a cleansing shower.
The rain drops down now with all its might.
It then looks as though the land and the sky are having a fight.
The rain now has no mercy or self control
Its like the sky is refusing to stop, no matter how much the God's cajole.
The drizzle which was pleasant has become a pain as such,
The rain drops are now sharp stones hurting wherever they touch.
People run hither-tither to avoid being drenched, across the street,
Its like the rain laughs merrily while making people dance on their feet.
The rain loses all its energy in this outburst,
It slowly starts thinning, having shown everyone its worst.
The clouds are meek again in front of the sun,
the birds start flapping their wings , trying to dry them, they start having fun.
The dogs release all the water in their fur,
A miniature rain they create for those who are close, in the style they always prefer.
The plants so green and clean, free of all the dirt and dust smile at everyone.
A few stubborn rain drops, refusing to leave the leaves, glitter in the shining sun.
They seem like diamonds sprinkled on the green leaves by the Gods,
They adhere to the leaf in a precarious position, against all odds!
Soon, everyone goes back to their hum drum work in a hurry,
The only proof that it had ever rained would be a large puddle, a mud and water slurry.
And for anyone who finds the time to look into the sky,
there would be a beautiful rainbow, bidding adieu, saying a sweet goodbye!
I look at everything sitting by my window and sipping hot tea,
I feel like a celebrity watching a 3D movie, specially screened for me.
I wish everyone would take time to notice these course of events,
You should never neglect them, these little dramatic,enjoyable moments!

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