Thursday 27 September 2012

The Journey Of My Thoughts

As I stare again into the sky,
thinking of all the times that have gone by,
As I stare again into the sky,

thinking of all the times that have gone by,

with some sweet memories some bitter also lie,
those that I cannot erase even though I try .
People say forget the past and move into the future
but I find it against my stubborn nature!
For I keep getting caught..
reminding myself of the times that I'd better naught.
Some say what I'am is pessimistic.
but my dear friends what choice have i got?
I'am trapped in this room called mind
With the four walls closing on me ready to grind.
Am i going mad? Or am I just sad?
Is this a trick of God to test me?
Or is time just trying to best me?
Every time I find happiness lurking in a corner
I think of all the sadness that followed it,like that huge wall that follows every corner.
What I'am is scared of happiness..
for it ensures that when its over people experience sadness.
Its hard for me to believe in equality,
for some people who deserve success never get it.
And some get it without any singularity !
Where is the justice of God and his credibility??
Is he hiding in his own peaceful sanctity??
Then again there are doubts about the existence of God
When i look at urchins accept the unfair treatment with a surrendering nod.
As i look at them i thank my fate
For i have been blessed with something though not great.
Pondering over my failure is my greatest mistake,
at least i have my necessities and my future is not entirely at stake.
Like a drop of water on a barren land,
I have to grab this drop of hope before it seeps through the arid sand!
As i held it in the palm of my hand,
I realized it was my fallen tear as precious as the fallen pearls of a strand.
A tear thanking God for my existence not questioning  about his.
As the walls of my mind get farther away from me,
I begin to realize how beautiful my world really is!
Glad that I'am seeing the stars and not the darkness of the night.
I think again,why am I finding comfort in comparison..which gives me a fright!
Am I gloating ? grasping my happiness which others have not?
Finally after racking my brains it is this answer that i got...
maybe it is indeed wrong to be happy that you are not in their place,
but to remove that delight is impossible without trace!
so here comes the truth that every body's born to face.
It is in you how you face a situation,
for there will always be people better than you in fame and reputation.
And there will also be people less fortunate than you,what an amazing condition!
what factor makes this inequality among people is still beyond recognition.
But do thank God that in this journey you have your own station.
When you feel depressed think of how bad it could have been,
thank  God you came out at least  this clean.
Do not think of the people who have been mean,
for its God's responsibility to ensure justice is seen.
Think of the people who are more exposed to suffering than you....
It is not finding pleasure in their sadness,
it is mere thanksgiving to God with a feeling of gladness,
just realizing that  your problem was not unrealistic.
Now this is called being optimistic!
After all this there is still one more thing to go,
what do the people who are more successful than you show?
They are here to provide the inspiration,
to succeed beyond your limits and aspirations.
As I sit and stare into the sky,with the cool breeze comforting my face ...
I feel radiant that I have finally found my place.
As I open up your mind,I realize I have found that spirit,
My mind is bigger than the sky without any limit!
So I rejoice and get back to my work with double the fervour.
I'am safe as God keeps watching me from his tower.

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