Thursday 18 October 2012

Not One But Three!

Go ahead, dream big and get risky
Say yes to the person you like, go around, grab some happiness and a bottle of whisky!
Spend all the money you have saved, 
Buy all that you can, things you have always craved.
You are accumulating money to enjoy life tomorrow,
 But when is tomorrow ever going to arrive? Will happiness ever sweep away all the sorrow?
When will you really enjoy if you keep postponing enjoyment?
How come our elders always spoke about never postponing work and employment?
Maybe they also spoke about living life in the moment and the people have forgotten about it
Why can’t you delve in the greenery of a valley and not worry about falling into the pit!
Why can’t you just tell the person you love about your feelings,
Why hide, play games, let ego come in and behave like they are business dealings.    
This is the dreamy, impulsive me blabbering about what to do next,
Never caring about the consequences, the circumstances or the present context!
The impulsive me then gets hit by the practical me,
“Are you completely insane? How can you be so spirited and free?”
Life is full of responsibilities; life is fulfilling them degree by degree,
Your parents rely on you, their kid’s success is what they want to see,
Life is not about enjoying a fall and getting hurt in the end, it’s to make the fall as safe as it could be.
Ambition is the quality that makes life challenging,
Love is on and off, the feelings of the people in love around you are always changing.
The person who adores you might not do so tomorrow,
But the money you save today will definitely help you and others, if you let them borrow
People change but the value of money is always constant
What you want to buy today will be replaced by something better and brilliant
Then of course, inconsistent that you are, you will fret over what you bought,
What’s the point in buying something useless, just because it’s an object you sought!   
So listen to my sense and not the impulsive nonsense,
Work hard, sweat it out, plan your future; See life through my lens
The conflict between them goes on and on,
While the analytical me analyses both of them and conclusions are drawn.
The analytical me laughs at both of them and their ongoing war
impulsive and practical mes are still making  faces, each other they completely abhor!
Analytical me listens to their argument and decides whom to listen to,
Time may be wrong for the impulsive me sometimes and sometimes for the practical me too.
Then the decision is taken about whose advise to follow.
My life has always been like this, like a mixed threesome stereo!
I am not one but three, three minds reside in me.
But these three people you'll never get to see, they lie in one body but never are free! 

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